My Counseling Style


I want you to experience a safe, comfortable space to be able to share the raw, real emotions of parenthood or work that may feel too personal or vulnerable to share with others. I want you to know that you are not alone in what you are feeling and experiencing…and that it is way more normal than what you’d think, trust me! I have been in your shoes, the frazzled, scared, sad, frustrated new mom…and the depressed, burned out employee. I have been on your side of the couch (or screen!). So believe me, I know what it feels like and hope to make the experience as comfortable as possible. This also gives me the advantage of knowing there IS a light at the end of the tunnel…we can get through this!


I want you to feel that the goals we work towards are personalized to you and what you would like to accomplish in therapy. While I may offer suggestions for a course of therapy based on experience, I will always come back to where you want or need to go with each session and with therapy as a whole. I greatly depend on your individual feedback…so don’t hesitate to provide it and let me know when we need to dive deep, when to pull back, when to focus on healing, when to focus on coping, when to talk and process, when to do some EMDR. I want the experience to be tailored to your individual needs and concerns.


Finally, as a professional, I want you to experience progress! Chances are, you are coming to therapy to feel better…less depressed, less anxious, less burned out, more joyful, more peaceful, and more satisfied with your life. I want that for you and believe it’s possible or I wouldn’t be in this profession! To that end, we may do various assessments to track progress and make sure you are experiencing the results you deserve.