What We Do

Hello dear reader,

If you have found me, chances are you are a helper. A human doing superhuman works in this world. Chances are you find yourself in an environment that has high expectations of you – to raise tiny humans and be all the things, to save souls, to heal, to meet billable requirements, to pour out compassion, to continuously create, to work long hours, to help those who are most in need of help. These endeavors can start out with great fervor and love and compassion. But somewhere along the way, we run into the expectation that we must sustain these heroic acts.

Maybe you are on the path to discovering, as I have, that heroism is not sustainable. At some point, our humanness, our limits catch up with us.

And this is my simple message to you, which I will attempt to deliver again and again in different ways:

You are a human being.

You are a human being, experiencing normal human reactions to stress, trauma, and fatigue. There is nothing wrong with you. You are reacting as human beings should…which oftentimes, is not all that pretty!

I would venture to guess that your body, your emotions, your soul has been telling you for a while.

You are a human being with a body that’s telling you, perhaps through fatigue, stomach issues, chronic headaches, mood swings, irritability, depression or anxiety, that your heroic endeavors are not sustainable.

And that is okay.

Although humans break down, reach their limits, and react strongly to tragedies in the world or to chronic stress, they also heal, respond resiliently, regain health, and find new paths of service.

I hope what you find here is permission to be human. I hope that the Humans that Help Project is just one avenue available to you for healing. I hope that you find for yourself more gentleness, more grace, more acceptance of who you are, greater freedom to care for you, greater joy in what you do.

You who takes care of everyone else, I hope you come to recognize and own how much you matter.

Welcome, fellow human.
